Univerge Server Blades

NEC Univerge SV8300 CC-CP31 Remote Processor (670069)

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NEC Univerge SV8300 CC-CP31 Remote Processor (670069)

The NEC Univerge SV8300 CC-CP31 is the remote processor for the SV8300 and cannot be used as the main CPU. The CC-CP31 Remote Processor is used for multiple unit configurations (up to 4 units) and for Remote Link sites (up to 50 units) instead of the CPU card. The CC-CP31 does not require licenses because it receives all requirements from the main site CPU at Unit 1.


  • Remote Processor for SV8300
  • Replaces the CPU card for all multi- and remote-link units (2-50)
  • Does not require licenses, as it uses the same as the main unit CPU
  • Cannot be used as the main CPU
  • Includes Atlas 1-Year Warranty with Extended Warranty options available!

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