The Norstar Remote Access Device (RAD), or FastRAD, provides an RS232 port and is used for maintenance personnel to connect to your Norstar system remotely.

Remote Access Devices (RADs)

Remote Access Devices (RADs)
Norstar RAD Remote Access Device (NT8B80)

Nortel Norstar RAD (NT8B80) The Nortel Norstar RAD is a remote access software package that will provide users with a central terminal operator that will...

Nortel Norstar RAD (NT8B80) The Nortel Norstar RAD is a remote access software package that wil...

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Remote Access Devices (RADs)
Norstar FastRAD Remote Access Device (NT8B80AA)

Norstar FastRAD (NT8B80AA) The Norstar FastRAD is a remote access device that will provide users with a built-in modem allowing for a communication interface between...

Norstar FastRAD (NT8B80AA) The Norstar FastRAD is a remote access device that will provide user...

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Nortel/Norstar Power Supplies
Norstar FastRAD 9V Power Supply

Norstar FastRAD 9V Power Supply 9V AC/DC power adapter for the Norstar FastRAD remote access device. Features Input: 120V AC, 15W, 60Hz, 12W Output: 9V...

Norstar FastRAD 9V Power Supply 9V AC/DC power adapter for the Norstar FastRAD remote access de...

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